If you are experiencing problems paying with a mobile device, please try from a laptop or PC.

Full day Holiday Care Scheme, 08:30 - 17:30, for primary school children, aged between Reception Class (September 2023) and Year 6.

We operate in Ysgol Melin Gruffydd and Ysgol Treganna with an additional Clwb Menter Caerdydd in Ysgol Y Berllan Deg running 8:30am - 4:30pm (this clwb will not accept child care vouchers or government tax free scheme).


We are are listed on the Government Tax Free Childcare scheme:

These are the details for both Ysgol Melin Gruffydd and Ysgol Treganna:

Treganna CF118DG 50025557254


We also accept Child Care Vouchers:

Menter Caerdydd

Edenred: P20308601

Sodexo: 166882

Kiddivouchers: Cynllun Treganna / Cynllun Gofal Melin Gruffydd

Computershare: Cynllun Melin Gruffydd: 0008203048

Care4: 22506517