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Bwrlwm Gwanwyn 2023

Price: Free

No need to book!

Breakfast and healthy snacks available!

Gweithgareddau: / Activities: Peintio / Painting
Celf a Chrefft / Arts & Crafts
Gemau / Games
Cerddoriaeth a Dawns / Music & Dance
Chwaraeon / Sports
Byrbrydau Iach / Healthy Snacks


Welsh medium Bwrlwm Open Access Play Scheme runs during every school holiday (except Christmas) aimed at primary age children and free for children attending. It is an inclusive scheme in 6 locations (to be confirmed nearer the date) and aims to ignite the imagination of children across Cardiff. We offer an exciting platform for children to engage in creative play and establish lasting friendships. Menter Caerdydd is committed to fostering a vibrant and supportive community that values ​​children's well-being and development, through the medium of the Welsh language.

We look forward to the Autumn half term!

Price: Free

Fashion and Craft Workshop 12/8/24 FULL

Fashion and Art Workshop for Years 4-6.

A unique opportunity to design, create and decorate a bag by upcycling old jeans.


Price: £15